The Canadian Quarter Horse Association is a non-profit organization, which provides financial support to events having the potential to encourage the expansion of the AQHA/CQHA membership, the marketing of the American Quarter Horse, the understanding and protection of the breed, as well as the discovery of the American Quarter Horse’s many talents.
A vast number of activities can achieve the objectives. The Grant Committee examines applications with a view to allocating available funds to activities that will achieve and support the objectives.
The CQHA’s main purpose is to support and promote the development of the Canadian Quarter Horse industry in Canada and abroad. CQHA also strives to support the hard work of all the Provincial Affiliates.
Currently, the AQHA annually allocates Grant Funds to CQHA to be used to support, promote and develop American Quarter Horse activities in Canada. The CQHA in turn administers the allocation of these funds in the form of Affiliate Grant funding to the Provincial and Regional AQHA Affiliates to financially assist them in promoting the American Quarter Horse and sponsoring approved AQHA shows and activities as outlined in the guidelines below.
The current objectives include activities to encourage the expansion of the AQHA and CQHA membership, AQHA registrations, the marketing of the American Quarter Horse, the understanding and protection of the breed integrity as well as the discovery of the American Quarter Horse’s many talents. A vast number of activities can achieve the objectives.
Financial support limitations: CQHA can and does supply financial support to some events meeting the above criteria. However, given the large number of requests we receive annually, even those initiatives that meet the above criteria may be declined because of CQHA budget constraints.
Events, activities, organizations or persons currently ineligible for support include:
Individuals or individual pursuits.
The program formerly known as AQHA International Horsemanship Camps, which is one of the longest running AQHA International programs, has now been rebranded as the AQHA International Educational Marketplace. This updated program makes funding more accessible to the majority of our international affiliates and members to provide as many educational opportunities to as many affiliates and member groups as possible via a model that is flexible enough to meet the needs of various affiliates and countries.
The AQHA International Education Marketplace will make existing educational program funds available to educational seminar hosts via grant application. Grants range from $2,500 – $5,000 per seminar. With that funding, seminar hosts will select an AQHA Professional Horseman/Horsewoman, trainer, judge, university group, or other industry professional from the United States to implement the seminar. Seminar hosts will have the opportunity to tailor the content of the seminar based on participant level skill, type of seminar (‘hands-on’ vs. lecture) and desired topics.
Educational Marketplace clinics this year have been wildly popular. AQHA has granted funds for 20 clinics in 2020, allowing for 26 clinicians to travel to foreign countries to teach clinics. AQHA is proud to fund these clinics which provide a hands-on benefit to having an AQHA membership. Countries that will benefit from this grant in 2020 include Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.