AGM 2021 Notice


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Annual General Meeting 2021

NOVEMBER 24, 2020 | 7:00PM


The 2021 Canadian Quarter Horse Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been set for Tuesday December 1, 2021 at 7 pm EST. and will be held via virtual meeting using ZOOM with the CQHA Board of Directors and the CQHA members. Our objective is to reach as many Quarter Horse members of the Quarter Horse Community as possible.

As you know, the AGM follows a very specific agenda. Therefore, the community is encouraged to tune in to the AGM via CQHA Website Livestream for viewing privileges. CQHA encourages the Canadian Quarter Horse community to get involved. Become a CQHA member it is easy to do and free and will give access to the AGM deliberations and other CQHA programs. Your membership will provide you with the right to vote. More details and related documents will be published in November.

Dr. Gilles Séguin
President CQHA/ ACQH


Completed Nomination packages must be received in the CQHA office or submitted online on/before October 31, 2021.

Letters of recommendation should be sent directly to CQHA from the providing referee, individual, etc. and received prior to November 1, to be provided to the Nominations Committee CQHA.

Any questions regarding the eligibility or requirements for becoming an CQHA Director should be directed to Dr Wayne Burwash Chair Nominations Committee telephone: (403) 807- 7022 or email: .

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