Imagining the Future of the Quarter Horse in Canada
The Canadian Quarter Horse Association (CQHA) was re-established in 2001 to address the specific needs and concerns of Canadian Quarter Horse owners in Canada. In the two decades since that time, a lot has happened! If we look to just the past five years many major events have begun to shape our horse industry and the world in ways previously unimagined!
The emerging of new equine sports such as the versatility ranch, has provided a new avenue to appreciate the value of traditional ranch horse work so that the skills required can be showcased, shared, and learned. The adoption of new technology such as micro-chips, which became mandatory for all competing American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) racehorses as of January first of this year, is providing us with new data and improving our traceability efforts through bettering our ability to identify horses and increase biosecurity. Most daunting perhaps in recent years was the huge socio-economic disturbance that the pandemic created. By shutting down the majority of equine activity in Canada it not only limited our ability to share our horse interests in the typical communal fashion but also stunted our ability to showcase our horses in their respective disciplines for a prolonged period of time. All these activities have and will continue to impact and change the way Quarter Horses are enjoyed and perceived in this country.
The directors and committee members of the CQHA are dedicated to developing programs that support the growth and sustainability of the Quarter Horse breed in Canada. As a community of Canadians who enjoy the versatility of the breed and its disposition, we hope to develop opportunities to encourage new people to discover their love for Quarter Horses, create programs that support our breeders and owners; and partner with organizations that host both competitive and non-competitive events where Quarter Horse owners and enthusiasts can share their passion for the horse, pursue equestrian based education, and engage in activities that will contribute to the overall betterment of their horsemanship skills. All of this culminating in culture that supports the welfare of the horses we love and admire.
Imagining the future of the Quarter Horse in Canada cannot happen within a vacuum! Members of the Canadian Quarter Horse community are invited to participate in a nation-wide survey which will allow CQHA and its advisors help map out the future of the association.
If you are unable to join us in person you are invited to participate remotely by joining us on zoom:
Canadian Quarter Horse Assoc is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: CQHA Calgary Strategic Planning Meeting
Time: Jul 11, 2024 10:00 AM Edmonton
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