News Member News Blog

Purina Canada Launches Partnership with CQHA

Purina Canada Connects with the Canadian Quarter Horse Association – A new partnership Brings Equine Nutritional Education and Benefits to CQHA Members

Joint Communiqué

Woodstock, Ontario – February 25, 2021 – Being close to our customers has always been our top priority. We are pleased to announce our partnership with the Canadian Quarter Horse Association (CQHA). Together we look forward to bringing all CQHA members online support, nutrition education and exclusive offers on our equine products.

For any horse owner, whether they are competing and want the best for their athlete or simply enjoy the company of their equine companion, finding the right product can often be a challenge. They regularly look for products that meet their horses’ requirements. Purina Canada’s offering of feeds and supplements, made in our specialized, drug-free facility in Strathroy, Ontario can meet that demand.

One of the benefits of this national agreement between CQHA and Purina will begin rolling out special offers to members across Canada.

The promotions for 2021 will be offered to provinces at different times between March and June (included). The promotions between provinces may vary dependent on the different distribution abilities, as well as the Purina Equine Nutrition Consultants availability.

The first promotion will be offered in March to CQHA members in Alberta; and will also be offered to members of the Quarter Horse Association of Alberta.

Purina’s product offering provides all horses, no matter where they are in Canada, the premium nutrition they need to stay healthy and bring their best to each trail ride, riding lesson or to the show ring.


About Purina Canada


Purina is owned by Cargill, Inc. who proudly offers the Purina extended brand of feeds through its licensed subsidiaries outside the United States, in locations around the world, including Canada.


Today, Purina is one of the highest equity brands in Cargill’s brand portfolio. Produced and sold on three continents in 13 countries, Purina products are available through an extensive Purina dealer distribution network covering nearly 40,000 points of sales worldwide. Each day numerous horse owners and horses enjoy the benefits of using Purina feed.


As the global leader in providing the highest quality animal feeds, we use the most professional distribution network to deliver innovative solutions through animal nutrition products, programs, and services. For more information about Purina, please visit and contact us via Purina Connect 



Purina Canada s'associe à la Canadian Quarter Horse Association - Une nouvelle collaboration apporte des bénéfices aux membres ainsi que de l’éducation sur la nutrition du cheval aux membres de l'ACQH

Communiqué conjoint

Saint-Hubert, Québec – 26 février 2021 –

Être proche de nos clients a toujours été notre priorité absolue. Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer notre partenariat avec l’Association Canadienne du Quarter Horse (ACQH/CQHA).

Ensemble, nous sommes impatients de proposer à tous les membres de l’ACQH un soutien en ligne, de l’éducation sur la nutrition du cheval ainsi que des offres exclusives sur nos produits équins.

Pour tout propriétaire de cheval, qu’il soit en compétition et qu’il veuille le meilleur pour son athlète ou bien qu’il apprécie simplement la compagnie de son compagnon équin, trouver le bon produit peut souvent être un défi. La recherche régulière de produits répondant aux exigences de leurs chevaux est constante. L’offre d’aliments et de suppléments de Purina Canada, fabriqués dans notre établissement spécialisé et sans médicaments à Strathroy, en Ontario, peut répondre à cette demande.

L’un des avantages de cette entente nationale entre l’ACQH et Purina est le déploiement des offres spéciales aux membres, partout au Canada.

Les promotions pour 2021 seront offertes aux provinces à des moments différents entre Mars et Juin inclusivement. Les promotions entre les provinces peuvent varier en fonction des différentes capacités de distribution, ainsi que de la disponibilité des consultants en nutrition équine de Purina.

La première promotion sera offerte en Mars aux membres de l’ACQH en Alberta et sera également offerte aux membres de la Quarter Horse Association of Alberta.

L’offre de produits de Purina fournit à tous les chevaux, peu importe où ils se trouvent au Canada, la nutrition de première qualité dont ils ont besoin pour rester en bonne santé et être à leur meilleur lors de chaque randonnée, cours d’équitation ou sur le terrain de compétition.



À propos de Purina Canada

C’est avec une grande fierté que Cargill Incorporée, par le biais de ses filiales internationales, offre la marque de commerce Purina, la plus reconnue à travers le monde en alimentation animale (en dehors des États-Unis).

Aujourd’hui, Purina est une valeur hautement reconnue parmi les plus grandes marques de commerce au monde. Fabriqués et vendus sur trois continents, dans 13 pays, les produits Purina sont distribués par l’entremise de près de 40,000 points de vente Purina à travers le monde. À chaque jour, plus des millions de clients apprécient les avantages des produits et services offerts par la compagnie Purina.


En tant que chef de file international en alimentation équine, nous utilisons un vaste réseau de distribution professionnel pour offrir des solutions innovatrices par les produits, les programmes et les services.

Pour plus d’informations sur Purina, veuillez visiter et contactez-nous via Purina Connect.

News General News Breeder News

Canadians Win 2020 AQHA Racing Challenge Titles

Charles Stojan (center) pictured in 2019 being awarded the same John Deere Owner of the Year Award, which he also claimed in 2020.

The owner / trainer team of Charles Stojan and William Leech had a number of achievements to celebrate in 2020.

With Free Thought extending his AQHA world record winning streak to eighteen, and impressive horses that dominated the racetracks in Alberta during the season, such as Stripstreak, Flight Club, and Light Footed, all qualifying for the AQHA’s  Bank of America Challenge Championships held October 24, 2020 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In doing so, Stojan was crowned the  John Deere Champion Owner of the year and Leech was named the Wrangler Champion Trainer of  the year, both very coveted honours in the world of Quarter Horse Racing internationally.

Winning these awards which are part of the AQHA Bank of America Challenge program takes dedication and results earned over a series of races held throughout the year in several different countries.

The horses who help their breeders, owners trainers and jockeys win these awards are enrolled in the lifetime program and earn points and winnings at races held worldwide, which contribute to the annual tally of points which see individuals named to these prestigious awards.

Stojan is a repeat winner of the owner award, he hails from Grande Prairie Alberta. Racing four horses in 2020 in multiple age categories, and collecting points and earnings in Canada and the United States he was awarded a custom belt buckle and John Deere Gator thanks to the AQHA sponsor for his achievements.

2020 Wrangle Champion Trainer of the year, William Leech from Sterling, Alberta faced a whole new set of challenges on the road to achieving this award, due to the Covid-19 world pandemic; for instance there was very limited racing here in Canada, and health and safety protocols at the racetracks meant there were significantly few on track training days. With boarder restrictions put in place by the Canadian government, the trip to New Mexico in October for the Bank of America Championship races was limited to just him and jockey Ricardo Moreno, leaving owner Charles Stojan and his family back at home cheering them on with the rest of Canada.

Congratulations to Charles and William, to their dedicated support team, and the incredible equine athletes who all assisted them in achieving these coveted awards.


Free Thought and Jockey Ricardo Moreno celebrating their 18th straight win, an AQHA would record!
News General News Uncategorized

Eyesa Timber Named AQHA’s 2020 Canadian Racing Champion

Thursday night (January 14, 2021) the AQHA hosted its annual Racing Champion Awards night. The ceremony was held at Heritage Place and livestreamed through AQHA’s website.


Canadian Champion when to freshman EYESA TIMBER. This two-year-old gelding was bred in Alberta and is by First Timber and out of the Mr Jess Perry mare: Eyesa Perry. He raced for owner/breeder Wesley Oulton. His racing career started at Remington Park, Oklahoma where he had two running up performances. He then shipped to Canterbury Park, Minnesota. He broke is maiden in a trial to the MQHRA Stallion Auction Futurity and qualified to the finals. The final was his only start off the board. While competing in the United States he was trained by Durk Perry and ridden by Jose Vega. The gelding then shipped to Alberta, Canada to finish off the season with three consecutive wins: a trial to the Alberta Bred Futurity, the Alberta Bred (RG3) Futurity and the Canada QH Cup (RG3) Futurity. In Alberta he was trained by his owner Wesley Oulton and riding duties were split between Jose Rocha and J.B. Botello. Eyesa Timber’s 2020 season finished with a record of 7 starts: 4(2)-2-0 and earnings of $56,491, racing at distances from 250 yards to 400 yards.

Congratulations to all the connections!!


A summary of the all the 2020 AQHA Racing Champions can be found at 2020 Racing Champions – AQHA


For more information about Quarter Horse Racing in Canada please reach out to AQHA Provincial Racing Affiliates:

            Alberta Quarter Horse Racing Association:

            Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario Inc: 

Image: from @Q-Racing

News General News Blog

The 2020 AQHA Racing Canadian Champion Contenders

The Canadian Quarter Horse Association would like to acknowledge the below horses that are in contention for 2020 AQHA’s Racing Canadian Champion.

2020 was a challenge year for all aspects of the Equine Industry and we are grateful that racing foraged forward.

The 2020 AQHA Racing Championship Ceremony is at 6pm Central on January 14 at Heritage Place in Oklahoma City. The Ceremony will be aired via live webcast at

COUNTRYS COMMIN BAC is a 2013 gelding by Country Chicks Man out of the dam Bac To Center (Splash Bac) foaled in Ontario. Owned by Ralph Pearson, bred by Marko Naterer and trained by Don Reid this gelding had a record of 9 starts: 2(1)-0-1 with earnings $27, 964 USD. He won the Ontario Bred Maturity.

DOUBLE CRUISE is a 2017 gelding by Bd Cruiser out of the dam Eye Cruise (Eye Take Time) foaled in Alberta. He raced for owner/breeder/trainer Tom Kenway with a record of 6 starts: 2(2)-2(1)-0 and earnings of $28,418 USD. He won the Alberta Bred Derby and the Canada QH Cup Derby

EAZY STREET a 2017 gelding by Mighty B Valiant out of Easily Holland (Holland Ease) bred in Ontario. He raced for owners Carol & Jamie Robertson, breeder Buylaine Paquin and trainer Bryn Robertson. From 7 starts he had a record of 2- 2(1)-1(1) and earnings of $25,934 USD. He was second in the Picov Derby and third in the Ontario Bred Derby.

EYESA TIMBER a 2018 gelding by First Timber out of Eyesa Perry (Mr Jess Perry) foaled in Alberta. A record from 7 starts of 4(2)-2-0 and earnings of $56,491 USD. He raced for owner/breeder/trainer Wesley Oulton, winning the Alberta Bred (RG3) Futurity and Canada QH Cup (RG3) Futurity.

FIESTY ICON a 2012 gelding by Sugarman Perry out of Fiesty Spirit (Special Effort) foaled in Ontario. Raced by owner/trainer Richard Kennedy and bred by Picov Cattle Company. He earned $45,197 USD from 9 starts 3(2)-3(1)-2. He was 1st in the Ontario Sire Stakes Maturity, 1st Alex Picov Memorial Championship and 2nd Ontario Bred Maturity.

HAD TO BE RELENTLESS a 2018 Ontario foaled gelding by Hes Relentless out of Had To Be Fandango (Hadtobenuts). He raced for owner/breeder Carol & Jamie Robertson and trainer Bryn Robertson. A record of 1-4(1)-1(1) from 6 started earning $35,190 USD. He was 2nd in the Alex Picov Memorial Futurity and 3rd in the Ontario Bred Futurity.

HANOVER HILL CHALSEE a 2017 Ontario foaled filly by Make Out Artist out of Secret Sugarwoman (Sugarman Perry). She raced for owner/breeder Picov Cattle Co and trainer Richard Kennedy. She won the Ontario Bred Derby and had a record of 4(1)-1-2 from 9 starts earning $38,236 USD.

JESS CAROLINAS AWARD a 2017 filly by Winners Award out of Jess Carolina (Feature Mr Jess). She raced for owner/breeder Rick Crispi and trainer Tom Dunlap. In 8 starts she earned $35, 474 USD

ONE KOOL DYNASTY a 2017 filly by Fdd Dynasty out of One Kool Bud (Strawflyin Buds). Bred in Ontario by William “Bill” Taggart, owned by Belinda Taggart and trained by Carol McIntyre she earned a record of 4(1)-3(1)-1(1) from 10 starts and earnings of $47,454 USD. She was 1st in the Princess Derby, 2nd Ontario Bred Derby and 3rd Picov Derby.

TWIXT OF FATE a 2018 Ontario bred gelding by Streakin Six Cartel out of Eyesa Quick (Eyesa Special). Racing for breeder Gary McNichol, owner Richard Wincikaby and trainer Michelle Woodley. He earned $28,489 USD from 4 starts with a record of 2(1)-1-0. He won the Ontario Bred Futurity.

Ontario images provided by New Media Images (Clive Cohen) and Alberta images by Coady Photography (Ryan Haynes).

Stat source: Equibase

About the AQHA Racing Champions

Each year, AQHA awards the top American Quarter Horses in the racing industry at the AQHA Racing Champions Ceremony. The Champions ballots for each equine category are determined by a collection of criteria. Some automatically make the ballot based on earnings. Others are nominated and voted onto the ballot by the AQHA Racing Committee. Members of the Champions Selection Subcommittee then meet to review the finalists and cast their ballots to determine each champion. Ballots for Breeder, Owner, Trainer and Jockey of the Year consist of the individuals with the best overall placing according to money earned, races won and performance in graded stakes. Winners are likewise chosen by the Champions Selection Subcommittee. More details on the AQHA Selection Process can be found here.


Individual voting results will be made public at the AQHA Racing Champions Ceremony on January 14 at Heritage Place in Oklahoma City.


The AQHA Racing Champions Ceremony is sponsored by Bank of America, John Deere, Nutrena, Wrangler, Adequan® and Heritage Place.

Member News

William Holliday

In Memoriam

With great sadness, the Board of Directors of the Canadian Quarter Horse Association (CQHA) advises
that friend and board mentor, William (Bill) Holliday age 64, of Goodwater Saskatchewan, passed away
on September 29, 2020. Bill is survived by his wife Jayne Hunter, his daughter Lauren, son Marshall, and
his animal companions: Cooper, P.J. and Buster. Bill was a good and honorable man. He was loving and
devoted to his family. He remained a steadfast friend. He was an accomplished lawyer and fine rancher.

Bill served two terms as a member of the Board of Directors of CQHA. Bill’s contributions to our
organization have been invaluable. He drafted the CQHA’s Constitution and subsequent By-Law
amendments; applied for CQHA’s trademarks; submitted annual not-for-profit returns to Industry
Canada; maintained the official CQHA Minutes Book and Corporate Seal at his office in Weyburn. Bill
was a generous corporate sponsor of the 2008 American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup held in
London, Ontario. Preserving the history of Quarter Horses in Canada and promoting the working ranch
horse sector of the industry were two of Bill’s highest priorities as a director.

A private gathering was held at Bill’s ranch house to honor and remember him. Should family and
friends wish, charitable donations may be made in his memory to the Weyburn and District Hospital
Foundation. Arrangements were entrusted to RD Family Funeral Chapel & Crematorium, Weyburn, SK
1-888-848-0333). Expressions of sympathy to the family may be sent to the website at “Honouring Life and Celebrating Memories”

Member News

Proposed Changes to the Bylaws of the Canadian Quarter Horse Association

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General News Member News

Canadian Horse Journal Partners with CQHA

Working Together to Represent Canada’s Quarter Horse Community

Updated: October 30, 2020

If you are a Canadian who owns or breeds Quarter Horses, there is no better time to join the Canadian Quarter Horse Association (CQHA), now offering free memberships to all Quarter Horse owners and breeders in Canada.

Now, among the many exciting initiatives planned for 2021, and thanks to an exciting new partnership with Canadian Horse Journal (CHJ), CQHA members are eligible for select benefits including reduced subscription rates to Canadian Horse Journal (CHJ), Canada’s award-winning national horse magazine published by Horse Community Journals Inc (HCJ).

Within the Canadian horse community, the CHJ-CQHA partnership represents a growing trend of like-minded horse people working together to strengthen and promote our industry. Every month, more than 100,000 Canadians rely on HCJ’s multimedia platforms to deliver the industry news they need and the content that connects them to their equine interests and passions. This powerful communication vehicle will now include the latest CQHA news, promotions, resources for breeders and owners, programs such as “Q Horse Heroes” — recognizing Canada’s unsung heroes within the community — contests and special offers.

Quarter Horses are one of the world’s most versatile horses, and you will find them at virtually every horse barn and horse event in Canada, no matter the discipline. As of 2019, the tally of Quarter Horses in Canada was 242,516, representing more than one-quarter of the total Canadian herd. With over 13,000 members in Canada, and now by partnering with Canadian Horse Journal, CQHA is making exceptional strides to represent, educate, promote, and grow their association.

Become a CQHA member today, at

News Youth News Youth Post Uncategorized

2020 Team Canada

Team Canada Wins the Silver
at the 2020 AQHA Virtual Youth Would Cup

CQHA is very proud of the skill and determination our 2020 Team Canada members put fourth this year, when the international event was forced to reinvent and host itself on a virtual platform!
Their dedication to the spirit of the Youth World Cup, could not be stopped by a world pandemic, and their resilience and team work paid off!
On behalf of the CQHA community Congratulations TEAM CANADA you did an amazing job!
To our official Team Coach, Della Cryderman, and all the other Canadian coaches and horse owners who took the time to perfect patters and film them, your support of OUR team is very much admired and appreciated.
To our Team Manager, Karen Westerback, thank you for organizing and submitting videos as well as supporting the team throughout the whole process.
To the team sponsors, and parents, thank you for believing in our youth and supporting their dreams and efforts to excel as equestrian athletes on the world stage.
Look for future blog posts  coming from each team member which will individually highlight each of our members and their accomplishments!
Visit the AQHA Virtual Youth World Cup Facebook Page to see more of the event coverage, the winning runs, and the full placings of each class; Click here:
Holly Carter
Abby Schaap
Talissa Gervais
Brianna Carr
Ellie Gerbrandt
Amber Zabel
Kamyl Mathieu

Holly Carter: 18 year old Holly Carter, from Regina Saskatchewan, began showing in the Grassroots classes at provincial quarter horse shows in 2014. Her passion for the all-around competition helped strengthen her horsemanship skills as both an English and Western rider. Competing in western Canada between 2015 and 2019, Holly earned multiple Circuit and All-Around Youth, Novice Youth and Open Awards from SQHA (Saskatchewan), QHAA (Alberta), and MQHA (Manitoba), and holds 2018 Canadian National Championship titles in hunt seat equitation and open green trail, as well as reserves in trail, equitation and horsemanship. Holly is a 2019 AQHYA World Show Qualifier in showmanship, horsemanship, hunt seat equitation, trail and western pleasure. When not around horses, Holly enjoys designing and sewing her own show clothing, downhill skiing, and trail running with her dog. She is committed to her academics and had the honour of being selected as her high school’s 2019 Schulich Leadership nominee. Currently attending Baylor University in Waco, Texas, Holly is studying Health Science and is a proud member of the NCAA equestrian team. Holly is very excited for this opportunity to represent Team Canada as an alternate rider!

Abby Schaap: 17 year old Abby Schaap from Midland Ontario is thrilled to representing Canada for the second time, this time as a rider. Abby is ecstatic to be traveling and competing in the Netherlands especially as she has family from there. Being on Team Canada has been a dream of hers since she started riding quarter horses. Abby has been riding horses since she was 2. She started out on a Shetland pony and when she out-grew her pony, she moved on to a larger pony and began showing in the jumper classes. Abby eventually out grew this pony as well, and moved on to a quarter horse and fell in love with them. After watching her aunt show at the quarter horse circuits, she too wanted to begin showing, both in English and western. Abby now shows her horse Riley, whom she got as 2 year old and is now 7. Her success in the show pen has earned her OQHA awards, multiple high point award and circuit awards, and multiple all-round awards with Ontario Area 3. She has also had success placing top 10 in the showmanship and equitation at the AQHA East Level 1 Championships and most recently by being a finalist at the Built Ford Youth World Show in hunt seat equitation. Outside of riding horses Abby enjoys boating, camping and spending time with friends. Abby is very proud to be representing Canada as rider at YWC 2020!

Talissa Gervais: From Bienfait Saskatchewan, is thrilled to be joining YWC Team Canada as an alternate rider. Talissa has been riding horses for as long as she can remember. She enjoys competing in the all-around events and has proudly earned herself an AQHA championship and multiple Canadian National Championships and she is a multiple AQHYA World Show qualifier. Talissa has enjoyed competing at the Quarter Horse Congress in trail, showmanship, and horsemanship. She has also successfully shown at the Level 1 Championship Show in Las Vegas where she was a finalist and top ten earner in western riding in 2019. When Talissa is not riding, she is playing basketball on the high school senior girls’ team and on the local club basketball team. She has a true love for all sports. Talissa is looking forward to the experience the Youth World Cup journey is going to give her in The Netherlands!

Brianna Carr: Joining team Canada’s rider roster for 2020 is 16 year old Brianna Carr from Calgary, Alberta. As an NRHA competitor, Brianna has been competing in reining events across North America for eight years. She has shown successfully throughout Western Canada and has qualified and shown at the North American Affiliate Championships in Oklahoma. In 2018 she earned the title of Youth 14-18 reserve champion and multiple top ten placings in the Rookie classes at the NAAC in Oklahoma. While Brianna has focused on reining she has also trained and shown in all-round events. When not showing, Brianna keeps herself occupied in the horse world by lending a helping hand to all those around her as well as practicing and striving for improvement. Brianna is looking forward to this incredible opportunity of bringing her skills and experience to Team Canada in the Netherlands in 2020.

Ellie Gerbrandt: 16 year old Ellie Gerbrandt from Roberts Creek British Columbia is thrilled to be returning to Team Canada as a rider for the 2020 Youth World Cup. Ellie competes in the all-around events at top level shows throughout the US. Ellie has earned top 10 placings at the All American Quarter Horse Congress in hunt seat equitation and showmanship, as well as top 15 in horsemanship. She was the gold medalist in hunt seat equitation at the 2018 Youth World Cup earning the title of World Champion. Over the years she has won many circuit championships and all around awards including some from the Arizona Sun Circuit and the Level 1 Championship Show (west). Outside of showing Ellie enjoys helping out at the local retirement home and giving back to the community. She is looking forward to meeting new people, having fun with her team members, and learning many new things!

Amber Zabel: 17 year old Amber Zabel from Caledon, Ontario has been riding for 12 years. Horseback riding is an extremely big part of her life and she is thrilled for the opportunity to take part in her first Youth World Cup as a rider. Besides showing Quarter Horses, Amber enjoyed eventing for 3 years in her early teens. She has also tried cutting and reining to broaden her experience in the horse world. In 2018, Amber was Reserve Champion in hunter under saddle at the Level 1 Championship Show and she had top 10 placings at Congress. She has been a proud member of the OQHYA (Ontario) NYATT team for the All American Quarter Horse Congress for 4 years in a row. Her most recent accomplishments include placing top 5 at the Congress in the Level 1 14-18 trail and in the NYATT hunter under saddle and placing top 10 in the 15-18 Youth hunter under saddle this year. Amber has earned 2 youth superiors on her show horse Sleepy Monn and is striving to complete as many superiors as she can before her youth career comes to an end. Aside from being busy with her horse life, Amber plays on her school volleyball team, has counselled at horseback riding camp, and has volunteered at a therapeutic riding center. She has been on the OQHYA board, starting as a director and working her way up to her present position of being the OQHYA President. Amber is looking forward to traveling to The Netherlands to compete with Team Canada.

Kamyl Mathieu: 18 year old Kamyl Mathieu, from Sorel-Tracy, Quebec is thrilled to be joining Team Canada as a rider. Kamyl has been riding horses since she was 4 years old and started showing when she was 6. She is an all-around rider who especially loves and excels in showmanship, horsemanship and hunt seat equitation. Kamyl has qualified two times for the AQHA Youth World Show and achieved her superior in showmanship. Most recently she was thrilled to show her horse for the first time at the All American Quarter Horse Congress this past month. Kamyl has been fortunate to have had the opportunity to ride and show many horses and has developed her riding skills by doing so. Not only is Kamyl an accomplished rider, she is also a top student. She is also proud to have been a part of a 2017 volunteer experience where she went to Ecuador to help the members of a community there. Being a member of Team Canada has been a goal for Kamyl and she is excited to be bringing her skills to Team Canada as we travel to the Netherlands.

Team Coach: Della Cryderman has been breeding, training and showing Quarter Horses for over thirty years and presently owns and operates a equine training facility. Her focus for Cryderman Training Stables is to prepare horses and their exhibitors for national and international competition. While the majority of the horse/rider combinations whom she coaches show at American Quarter Horse circuits, she also coaches several dressage and jumping horses/riders. Cryderman has travelled and shared her knowledge with riders who have committed to furthering their skills, and given many clinics ranging from first time riders to numerous youth and amateurs who became AQHA Superior Award winners, AQHA Champions, AQHA Versatility Champions, All-American Congress and AQHA World Show finalists. Cryderman’s daughter, Jessie Godin was a gold-medalist member of Team Canada while competing at the Youth World Cup hosted by Australia in 2004. Della coached Jessie to 4th place in Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation during the 2016 AQHA World Championship Show. Cryderman served as President of the Thunder Bay Quarter Horse Club for 15 years and as President of the North Superior Quarter Horse Council for 10 years.

Team Manager: Karen Westerback has been involved with Quarter Horses for approximately 20 years and competes as an amateur on AQHA show circuits in Canada and the U.S. She has achieved two AQHA Amateur Superior Awards and is an AQHA Amateur Champion. Westerback is employed as a Youth Services residential worker for youth who are at risk with the law, helping to develop therapeutic plans for release from custody. She has served her local Quarter Horse associations over the years as Secretary, Vice-President and Youth Advisor, and has been actively involved in major fund-raising events and organizing. In the past year, she has acquired a new role as a ring steward for several large AQHA show circuits including the Minnesota Corporate Challenge and the Bob Yanz Masters and now serves as the President of the North Superior Quarter Horse Association.


Thank You to our Team Sponsors:

Ranch By Design Western Wear and Tack 
Bar T5 Trailers and Tack
Big Rock Arena
Step Right Premium Equine Geed
David Gilbert-Sobeys Okotoks
myOrthodontist Okotoks
Kimes Ranch
Amanda Drake
Apple Saddlery
Bennett Dunlop Ford
Bushwakker Brew Pub
CAA – Saskatchewan
Canad Inn Brandon  
Carole Conn –  One Pro Series 3 in 1 Therapy Blanket Maintenance treatment
Comfort Inn & Suites Moose Jaw
Cowtown – Regina
Coyotee Flats Equine Therapy – Vibank SK
d3H Hotels
Deja Vu Cafe – Moose Jaw
Dianne Warren –  Canadian Author
Dr. Larry Hanson / Sherwood Animal Clinic
Dr. Sylvia Vantomme
Glacier Glass 
Globe Theatre
Great Canadian Oil Change – Regina
GreenHawk Saskatoon
Hilton DoubleTree Regina
Keegan Burt / Keep It Cool Air Conditioning
Laser Quest Regina
Graham Halter Horses / Lisa Graham
Lowe’s Regina
Metro Pet Market
Novus Auto Glass Regina
Olson Goldsmiths
Peavey Mart Regina
Princess Auto – Regina
Pure Country 92.7FM – iHeartRadio  
Red Head Equipment
Regina Pats
Regina Running Room
Regina Symphony Orchestra
Sandi’s Show Tack / Sandi Hebig
Saskatchewan Polytechnic
SGI Canada
Sherwin-Williams E Quance St, Regina
Sobeys – South Albert, Regina
Soma Salon & Spa
South Country Equipment
Sport Chek Regina – Southland Mall
SUDS Full Service Car Wash
TD Greystone Asset Management
Tempo Car & Truck Wash – Regina
The Fixx Hair Salon
Tracy Olson / Farmer’s Own Organic Flax Oil
Tranquility Equine Massage / Courtney Penner
Wheat Country Motors
General News

New Learning Opportunity for Equine Caregivers and Professionals

Free online training is the latest initiative out of the gate to raise awareness about Canada’s standard of care for horses, ponies, donkeys and mules
(10 SEPT 2020 Cochrane, AB, Canada) – The Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada (HWAC) has launched an online training program in an effort to increase awareness around nationally developed guidelines for the care and handling of equines.
“This new video series provides a timely refresher about management and welfare practices for the animals in our care,” says project coordinator Mikki Shatosky. “Be it housing, health management, transportation or other animal husbandry practices, there are requirements and recommendations that must be part of our everyday routines.”
Structured around the 10 sections of the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines, the video series includes the latest science based information on equine care.
“The online program is designed for participants to work through sections at their own pace,” adds Shatosky. “The modules vary in length from five to 40 minutes each for more in-depth topics such as health management and husbandry practices.”
Recognizing differing learning goals and priorities, HWAC offers two convenient training options. Participants can choose to explore individual components and move through training units on the HWAC website at no cost. Those looking for a more structured approach and certification may opt to access the training via the HWAC learning portal for a fee of $25. The latter path includes testing upon course completion as well as a certificate.
In addition to the informative videos, HWAC has developed a number of tailored assessment checklists to assist owners, custodians, industry specialists and professionals. The content will inform and educate authorities involved in welfare inspections, cruelty investigations and aid in determining outcomes for accepted standards of care.
“The intent of our support tools is to provide access to the latest information while encouraging the highest quality care,” she adds. “Not only do our checklists prompt owners to ask key questions before a care arrangement is established, they also facilitate continuous improvement within the industry itself.”
Established in 2008, HWAC has a proven track record of working within the equine sector to educate and promote humane care, handling and welfare of equines throughout their lifetime. The Alliance includes provincial equine organizations, farm animal care groups and other segments of the animal agriculture industry.
“Anyone who has experienced the joys of equine knows it is a great privilege and enduring responsibility,” she adds. “These are special connections that often last for many years, so it’s important to confirm your practices are keeping pace with evolving care and handling techniques.”
Visit for more information and to begin training.
The Equine Code of Practice Awareness and Education initiative is managed through the Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada and funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership’s AgriAssurance Program – a federal, provincial, territorial initiative.
Contact: Mikki Shatosky 403-870-8784
Youth News

Quick Reminder

For more information about Foundation scholarships, call 806-378-5029 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central, Monday through Friday, or email

The deadline to apply for an American Quarter Horse Foundation scholarship is December 1, 2020.

The deadline for 2021 American Quarter Horse Foundation scholarship applications is December 1, 2020. Applicants wishing to obtain scholarship funding from the Foundation for the 2021-22 academic year can download the scholarship guidelines for a complete list of criteria and requirements.

The Foundation awarded scholarships totaling more than $420,000 to 159 students for the 2020-21 academic year. Since its inception in 1976, the Foundation scholarship program has awarded more than $8.5 million in financial assistance to more than 1,500 young horse enthusiasts and industry members.

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