Blog General Post

2024 Equestrian Canada Annual General Meeting: Call for Questions

Ottawa, ON, Aug. 23 2024 – The 2024 Equestrian Canada (EC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been set for Sept. 17, 2024, at 7 p.m. ET and will be held via Zoom Meeting with the EC Board of Directors and the 27 EC Voting Members in attendance.

As per EC’s By-laws, the AGM follows a very specific agenda. Therefore, while the community is encouraged to tune in to the AGM via EC Facebook Livestream for viewing privileges, questions will not be fielded in real time during the AGM. However, EC encourages the Canadian equestrian community to get involved by submitting any governance-related questions in writing to the Category A, B and C Voting Members prior to the AGM via e-mail.

The following supporting documents are available to download:

Questions will be accepted by the Voting Members until Sept. 10, 2024, and can be sent to the appropriate category as follows:

Category A – Equestrian Sport Disciplines

  • Category A Voting Members consists of nine representatives from the seven Equestrian Sports Committees. The nine representatives act as a conduit for the exchange of information on matters of governance, including strategic direction and updates.

Category B – Provincial & Territorial Sport Organizations (PTSOs)

  • Category B Voting Members consist of nine representatives who are PTSO Presidents or Designates, elected by their provincial membership and represent the interests of the PTSO membership at the EC governance level.

Category C – National Equine Affiliate Organizations

  • Category C Voting Members consist of national or regional organizations that represent a particular area of equine interest not already represented within Category A or B. The nine Category C Members are responsible for representing the interests of the breed sport and equine industry community.

Questions submitted to the EC Category A, B and C Members will be brought forward to the EC Board and answered prior to the AGM.

For more information on the EC AGM, visit

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Assemblée générale annuelle 2024 de Canada Équestre : CE accueille les questions de la communauté

Ottawa (Ontario), le 23 août 2024 – L’assemblée générale annuelle des membres (AGA) 2022 de Canada Équestre (CE) aura lieu par conférence Zoom le 17 septembre 2024 à 19 h HE entre les membres du conseil d’administration de CE et les 27 membres votants de CE présent(e)s.

Conformément aux règlements administratifs de CE, l’AGA sera tenue selon un ordre du jour très précis. Par conséquent, bien que les membres de la collectivité soient invités à assister à l’AGA en direct sur la page Facebook de CE, aucune question ne pourra être posée en temps réel. Cependant, CE invite la communauté équestre canadienne à participer en transmettant par courriel toute question relative à la gouvernance aux membres votants des catégories A, B et C avant l’AGA.

Les documents pertinents suivants sont disponibles pour téléchargement :

Les membres votants acceptent les questions jusqu’au 10 septembre 2024. Ces dernières peuvent être transmises à la catégorie appropriée de la façon suivante :

Catégorie A – Disciplines équestres

  • La catégorie A de membres votants est composée de neuf représentant(e)s des sept comités des disciplines équestres. Les représentant(e)s servent d’intermédiaire pour l’échange d’informations sur les questions de gouvernance, y compris l’orientation stratégique et les mises à jour.

Catégorie B – Organismes provinciaux et territoriaux de sport (OPTS)

  • La catégorie B de membres votants est composée de neuf représentant(e)s qui sont des président(e)s ou des représentant(e)s d’OPTS. Ils et elles sont élu(e)s par leurs membres provinciaux et représentent les intérêts des membres des OPTS au sein de la gouvernance de CE.

Catégorie C – Organismes équestres nationaux

  • La catégorie C de membres votants est composée d’organisations nationales ou régionales représentant un domaine particulier d’intérêt équestre qui n’est pas déjà représenté dans la catégorie A ou B. Les neuf membres sont chargé(e)s de représenter les intérêts des sports de race et de la communauté du secteur équin.

Les questions soumises aux membres des catégories A, B et C seront portées à l’attention du conseil d’administration de CE qui répondra à ces questions avant l’AGA.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’AGA de CE, veuillez visiter le lien suivant :

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Horse Health Blog General Post

Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) describes the presence of ulceration or inflammatory disease that can affect the horse stomach. The horse stomach has two portions, the squamous or non-glandular portion and the glandular portion, divided by a line called the margo plicatus. As such, horses can be affected by squamous gastric disease (ESGD), glandular gastric disease (EGGD), or both concurrently.

The diagnosis, treatment, and management of EGUS is an important aspect of veterinary care in our performance horses because it is highly prevalent. EGUS in both forms has been reported in varying amounts in horses, but on average, we can see it develop in around 50% of our horses used for pleasure, 75% of our performance horses, and up to 100% of our racing horses. The causes and risk factors for EGUS are varied depending on the type of disease present but can include being housed in busy or stressful environments, use in performance disciplines, frequent travelling, cribbing, exercising more than 5 days per week, being more inexperienced at their work, meal feeding (versus free-choice), and higher grain diets.

Though a diagnosis of EGUS may be a daunting prospect, the good news is that once recognized we have a good selection of management and treatment options to help provide affected horses comfort and improve their overall performance. You might consider booking an appointment to have your horse assessed for gastric ulcers if you notice some of the following more common signs associated with EGUS: recurrent colic, weight loss or being a “hard keeper”, poor coat condition, reduced appetite, diarrhea, hypersalivation, previous anti-inflammatory administration, behaviour changes (nervousness, aggression, girthiness, etc.), and/or poor performance.

To diagnose gastric ulcers, your horse can have a gastroscopy performed under standing sedation (similar to a dental) either at the clinic or on farm. While some might feel that they would prefer to try treatment for gastric ulcers over having a gastroscopy performed, there are multiple advantages to having a gastroscopy performed prior to treatment.

  • First, the risk of treating a horse that doesn’t have ulcers (and potentially wasting time and money on an unneeded therapy) is avoided when gastroscopy is performed.
  • Second, when a gastroscopy is performed we can differentiate between the two different types of ulcers (squamous vs glandular) which each have their own unique treatment and management recommendations. If you treat with oral omeprazole (Gastrogard) alone, you risk inadequate treatment for glandular ulcers if present and a poor response to treatment, which may lead you to assume your horse doesn’t have ulcers when they actually do.
  • Finally, an initial scope can help us gauge response to treatment over time. While healing of squamous ulcers is expected within 4 weeks for around 80% of horses treated with Gastrogard, healing rates of glandular ulcers are much lower with Gastrogard alone at about 25%. As such, if your horse is in the 20% of horses whose squamous ulcers have not completely healed after 4 weeks or if they also have glandular ulcers, an extended treatment with alternative therapies will likely be required for complete healing. Without a gastroscopy to assess response to treatment, we are unable to know how well our initial therapies worked and risk stopping treatment too soon.                                                          

In general, with appropriate treatment and changes to diet and management, horses who have previously been diagnosed with ulcers have a good prognosis for return to work at a high level of performance. We can help to ensure your horse is performing at their best by addressing any underlying disease early in year before the competition season demands a more stressful schedule and any mild underlying EGUS lesions get worse.

We hoped you enjoyed this initial summary on gastric ulcers.

If you have any questions on EGUS or would like to book your horse in for an assessment and gastroscopy please do not hesitate to reach out to our clinic!


Blog General Post Uncategorized

Canada’s Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines to be Updated


For immediate release:

(Ottawa) April 26 2024 – The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) is pleased to announce the update to the 2013 Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines. The update, initiated by Equestrian Canada, will be guided by NFACC’s Code development process.

The Code development process includes a survey, launched at the outset of each Code, to capture top-of-mind welfare concerns from any and all stakeholders. The input received will help the Code Committee understand the kinds of issues people wish to see considered in the update. Everyone is invited to participate; the survey for this Code will be open until May 16, 2024 and is available at

“The health and welfare of equines in Canada is an important priority for EC and the Canadian equestrian industry and community we serve,” said Meg Krueger, CEO of Equestrian Canada. “With the most significant influence on welfare resting with those responsible for their daily care, the Equine Code provides a great tool for both professionals and individual owners. The updates to the Code will continue to ensure it is evidence based and being informed by current researched best practices.”    

Canada’s Codes of Practice provide critical guidance for the care and handling of farm animals. They reflect our national understanding of animal care requirements and recommended practices and serve as educational tools, reference materials for regulations, and the foundation for farm animal care assessment programs.  

“The NFACC Code development process is based on stakeholder commitment to ensure quality animal care standards are established,” said Hans Kristensen, Chair of NFACC. “It’s about each of us taking responsibility – farmers, processors, food companies, consumers, and allied groups – moving beyond the hype and rhetoric and doing real things to support farm animal welfare.” 

Five Codes – beef cattle, equines, pigs, sheep, and poultry – are being updated. The pullets and laying hens Code is being amended. Visit for more details and a timeline outlining the steps and progress made on the respective Codes. 


NFACC is a collaborative partnership of diverse stakeholders created in 2005 to share information and work together on farm animal care and welfare. It is the national lead for farm animal care issues in Canada and operates as a division of Animal Health Canada. For more information on NFACC, visit

About EC

Equestrian Canada (EC) is the national governing body for equestrian sport and industry in Canada, with a mandate to represent, promote and advance all equine and equestrian interests. With over 15,000 sport licence holders, 11 provincial/territorial sport organization partners and 10+ national equine affiliate organizations, EC is a significant contributor to the social, physical, emotional, and economic wellbeing of the equestrian industry. For more information visit

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For more information contact: 

Jackie Wepruk, Division Director, National Farm Animal Care Council
Phone: 403-783-4066,

Melanie McLearon, Director, Marketing & Communications, Equestrian Canada
Phone: 343-308-4390,,

Révision annoncée du code de pratiques canadien pour le soin et la manipulation des équidés


Pour publication immédiate :

(Ottawa) 26 avril 2024 – Le Conseil national pour les soins aux animaux d’élevage (CNSAE) a le plaisir d’annoncer la révision du Code de pratiques pour le soin et la manipulation des équidés de 2013. Cette révision, entreprise à l’initiative de Canada Équestre, sera guidée par le processus d’élaboration des codes du CNSAE.

Le processus d’élaboration des codes comprend un sondage, lancé au début de chaque code, pour saisir les préoccupations pour le bien-être animal exprimées spontanément par les parties prenantes. Les commentaires reçus aideront le comité du code à savoir quels genres de questions les gens souhaiteraient voir aborder au cours de la révision. L’invitation s’adresse à tout le monde : le sondage pour ce code sera ouvert jusqu’au 16 mai 2024, et il est accessible sur

« La santé et le bien-être des équidés au Canada sont d’importantes priorités pour CE, pour l’industrie équestre canadienne et pour la communauté qu’elle sert, a indiqué Meg Krueger, chef de la direction de Canada Équestre. Étant donné que le bien-être des équidés dépend essentiellement des personnes qui s’en occupent au quotidien, le code pour les équidés représente un excellent outil pour les professionnels comme pour les propriétaires. Les révisions du code continueront de garantir qu’il repose sur des données probantes et qu’il est éclairé par des pratiques exemplaires tirées d’études actuelles. »    

Les codes de pratiques du Canada offrent des conseils essentiels au soin et à la manipulation des animaux d’élevage. Ils représentent l’entente nationale sur les exigences et les pratiques recommandées en matière de soins aux animaux d’élevage et servent d’outils pédagogiques, de documents de référence dans les lois et règlements et de fondements aux programmes d’évaluation des soins aux animaux.  

« Le processus d’élaboration des codes du CNSAE repose sur l’engagement des parties prenantes à établir des normes de qualité pour les soins aux animaux, a affirmé le président du CNSAE, Hans Kristensen. Il faut pour cela que chacun et chacune d’entre nous – éleveurs, transformateurs, entreprises alimentaires, consommateurs et groupes alliés – prenne ses responsabilités, aille au-delà du battage médiatique et des discours creux et fasse des choses concrètes pour appuyer le bien-être des animaux d’élevage. » 

Cinq codes – pour les bovins de boucherie, les équidés, les porcs, les moutons et la volaille – seront révisés, et le code pour les poulettes et pondeuses sera modifié. Visitez pour en savoir plus et pour consulter le calendrier des étapes et l’état d’avancement respectifs de ces codes. 


Créé en 2005, le CNSAE est un partenariat de collaboration entre diverses parties prenantes soucieuses de partager des informations et de travailler ensemble aux soins et au bien-être des animaux d’élevage. Il est le chef de file national en matière de soins aux animaux d’élevage au Canada et fonctionne en tant que division de Santé animale Canada. Pour plus de détails au sujet du CNSAE, visitez 

Canada Équestre

Organe directeur national des sports et de l’industrie équestres, Canada Équestre (CE) a le mandat de représenter, de promouvoir et de faire progresser tous les intérêts équins et équestres. Rassemblant plus de 15 000 titulaires de licence sportive, 11 organismes provinciaux et territoriaux de sport partenaires et plus de 10 organisations nationales affiliées, CE est un important contributeur à la santé sociale, physique, émotionnelle et financière de l’industrie équestre. Pour en savoir plus, visitez

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Renseignements : 

Jackie Wepruk, directrice de la Division du Conseil national pour les soins aux animaux d’élevage
Tél. : 403-783-4066,,

Melanie McLearon, directrice du marketing et des communications, Canada Équestre
Tél. : 343-308-4390,

Blog General Post

CQHA National Membership Survey

Horse Health Blog General Post

Equine Podiatry

You’ve likely all heard the saying “No foot, no horse” – in our experience, no truer words have ever been spoken. That’s why we think it is so important to know what is going on in your horses’ feet so that we can make any necessary adjustments to their trimming and shoeing to help prevent injuries and soreness.

When we take a set of podiatry radiographs, we generally shoot 2 views of each foot that are specific for evaluating the foot from a podiatry standpoint. These x-rays allow us to measure key details about the foot that can be used to make adjustments to the way they are shod. We can evaluate foot and joint balance, bone angles, sole depth, and determine if the foot is being loaded appropriately.

Figure 1: This figure shows a cutting horse with a very common shoeing concern where the shoe is not well balanced around the center of rotation from toe to heel, leaving too much foot in front of the center of rotation compared to behind. This leads to increased load on the heel and navicular region and a prolonged breakover phase, causing unnecessary stress on the structures in the foot.
Figure 2: In this figure, we see another common foot concern. This jumping horse has a long toe and heels that have run forward, creating a broken back hoof pastern axis. This can result in increased stress on the joints of the lower limb and lead to early signs of osteoarthritis such as bone spurs as seen here.

Dr. Penttila takes shoeing survey films on her good mare, Chic, and all her prospects at least twice a year.  This has allowed her to make timely changes and intervene when needed to ensure their foot balance and loads remain ideal.

See the Burwash Equine Services webpage for more info about shoeing survey films:

Blog General Post

Rabies cases in Canada 2023

Rabies is transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. It is usually passed from animal to animal and rarely affects humans.

Rabies is a virus that causes neuroencephalitis and death in humans. It is transmitted via the saliva of infected animals. In Ontario, animals most at risk for having rabies are raccoons, foxes, skunks, and bats. In some areas of the world, rabies in domestic dogs and livestock poses a considerable risk.

Rabies is nearly always fatal but can easily be prevented by encouraging people to vaccinate their pets, avoid touching or interacting with any unknown animals, and seeking proper care for any animal bites or scratches.

Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms usually appear approximately 3 to 8 weeks after an exposure, but they can appear as soon as nine days or as long as seven years after a bite. Rabies is usually fatal unless post-exposure prophylaxis is given before symptoms would have appeared.

Early symptoms of rabies may include discomfort, paraesthesia, or pain at the exposure site, as well as headache, malaise, fever, and fatigue, and possibly psychological symptoms such personality changes or apprehension.  More specific symptoms develop after an average of 4 days (up to 10) of prodrome. The fully developed illness typically presents in one of two ways. The more common furious form presents with symptoms of hydrophobia (fear of drinking, difficulty swallowing, foaming at the mouth caused by severe laryngeal or diaphragmatic spasms that cause a sensation of choking when attempting to drink or swallow), aggression and other behavioural changes. The paralytic (or dumb) form of the disease manifests as progressive flaccid paralysis. Both forms of the disease rapidly progress, typically within days, to encephalitis and death.

Risk Assessment

Factors taken into account during risk assessment:

  • Severity/depth of bites
  • Bites on hands, neck, or face
  • Animal saliva exposure to a pre-existing wound, mucous membrane, or respiratory tract
  • Abnormal or aggressive behaviour in animal
  • Unprovoked attack
  • Prevalence of animal rabies in the area

More severe bites may be more likely to suggest the animal is rabid, and these bites may also provide more opportunity for exposure to and transmission of the virus because of increased exposure to saliva.

Bites on the hands and face are considered high risk exposures because of the high density of nerve endings. Bites to the face and neck are also considered higher-risk exposures because of the proximity to cranial nerves leading directly into the brain.

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) will conduct a risk assessment concerning suspected rabies exposures. However, the ultimate decision regarding
administration of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (RPEP) is based on the informed-consent discussion between the attending health care provider and the patient or parent/guardian.

In situations where patients find a bat in a room in which they have been sleeping, the risk of rabies is considered low if the patient was not woken by direct contact with the bat and there is no identified direct contact and no sign of a bite or scratch or saliva exposure. If the bat was found in the room with a child or adult who is unable to give a reliable history, it may be more difficult to fulfill these criteria and RPEP may be recommended.

Please see Rabies Prevention and Control Protocol, 2022 for further details.


Most humans are given rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (RPEP) as a result of exposure to domestic animals, therefore it is important to emphasize keeping rabies vaccinations up-to-date for all domestic cats, ferrets, and dogs. Also, maintaining control of pets by keeping cats and ferrets indoors and keeping dogs under direct supervision outdoors is important to prevent their exposure to wild animals with rabies.

Finally, it is important to call animal control if you encounter a stray animal or sick or injured wild animal. Do not approach, touch, or feed wild or stray animals. Teach children not to touch animals, including dogs and cats, even if they appear friendly.

Advise your patients who are at higher-risk of exposure to consider pre-exposure vaccine for rabies, particularly if they have occupational exposures (such as lab workers, veterinarians, animal control or wildlife workers) or are travellers who will spend more than one month in a country where rabies is endemic.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis of high-risk individuals consists of rabies vaccine administered at Day 0, 7 and 21–28. The vaccine is 100% effective immediately after all the doses have been given and persists for up to 2 years after immunization. (Recall that exposure to a potentially rabid animal still requires two doses of rabies vaccine post-exposure.) However, protection wanes over time, and this varies from individual to individual, which is why post-exposure vaccines are always given and serologic testing is required every two years for individuals at ongoing high risk of exposure. A booster shot is necessary if antibody titres fall below 0.5 IU/mL.


AQHA News Youth News Youth Post

2023 Canadian Youth AQHA Show Leaders

These are the Unofficial Canadian Youth who placed in the top 50 of their respective classes and divisions for 2023

Point totals may change as show results are verified. The 2023 Show Leaders List will be official on January 25, 2024. Please head to for the official results

Youth Rookie Show Leaders 2023

Showmanship 26th – Cendryn Generoux

Kruzen For Cash

Kitchener, ON

Horsemanship 24th – Cendryn Generoux

Kruzen For Cash


Ranch Riding 6th – Emily Firth

Viper Cat

Aldergrove, BC

Youth Level 1 Show Leaders 2023

Performance Halter Geldings 4th  – Cendryn Generoux

Kruzen For Cash

Kitchener, ON

Performance Halter Geldings 8th – Emily Firth

Reliable Mechanic

Aldergrove, BC

Showmanship 17th – Tylar Randall Gray

OHK Pininfor Krymsun

Lake George, NS

Showmanship 36th – Cendryn Generoux

Kruzen For Cash

Kitchener, ON

Showmanship 44th – Taylor MacMullin

Find Your Drive

Toronto, ON

Western Riding 27th – Mackenzie E Landry

One Tuff Red Head

Paris, ON

Western Riding 39th – Gillian Merkley

RW Get It On

Prescott, ON

Barrel Racing 20th – Madison Lehman-Ionson


Drumbo, ON

Trail 25th – Tylar Randall Gray

OHK Pininfor Krymsun

Lake George, NS

Trail 49th – Emily Yates

The Hot Moonlite

North Bay, ON

Performance Halter Mares 23rd – Kirsten Glassel

Moonlite Maid

Langley, BC

Horsemanship 33rd – Gillian Merkley

RW Get It On

Prescott, ON

Western Pleasure 46th – Adelynn Fisher

Kiss This Machine

Amherst, NS

Equitation 31st – Tylar Randall Gray

OHK Pininfor Krymsun

Lake George, NS

Equitation 41st – Gillian Merkley

RW Get It On

Prescott, ON

Hunter Under Saddle 21st – Morgan G Corkum

Blazin To The Blues

Yarmouth, NS

Hunter Under Saddle 25th – Gillian Merkley

RW Get It On

Prescott, ON

Hunter Under Saddle 31st – Hailey Olson

Gota Wear My Silks

Mayfield, SK

Hunter Under Saddle 34th – Erin Nicole Duquette

Itsa Afterhoursthing

Glencoe, ON

Hunter Under Saddle 49th – Claire Sophia Little

Song Of Tha South

Stilesville, NB

Youth Level 2 Show Leaders 2023

Equitation 10th – Hailey Olson

Gota Wear My Silks

Maryfield, SK

Ranch Riding 1st – Hailey Olson

Im N Slow Motion

Maryfield, SK

Showmanship 22nd – Hailey Olson

Gota Wear My Silks

Maryfield, SK

Trail 13th – Abigail Parker-Spratt Dunlevy

Surely A Good Cowboy


Youth Level 3 Show Leaders 2023

Working Cow Horse Boxing 17th – Ariana De Jong


Langley, BC

Western Pleasure 35th – Cole A Corkum

Moonlites Hot Baby

Yarmouth, NS

Western Pleasure 46th – Hannah Marie Perkins

VS Money Line

Havelock, NS

Equitation 49th – Gillian Merkley

RW Get It On

Prescott, ON

Hunter Under Saddle 31st – Kaidyn Sandi Goodwin

Straight Up Blue

Tusket, NS

Hunter Under Saddle 35th – Morgan G Corkum

Blazin To The Blues

Yarmouth, NS

Performance Halter Geldings 27th – Hannah Marie Perkins

VS Money Line

Havelock, NS

Performance Halter Geldings 47th – Gillian Merkley

RW Get It On

Prescott, ON

Performance Halter Geldings 50th – Kaden Tyler Bell

Dressed Tobe Smooth

Prince Albert, SK

Showmanship 37th – Hannah Marie Perkins

VS Money Line

Havelock, NS

Showmanship 38th – Jessica Spilman

A Sleepy Sensation

Fredericton, NB

Showmanship – 50th – Gillian Merkley

RW Get It On

Prescott, ON

Reining 24th – Ariana De Jong

White Chocolat Chunk

Langley, BC

Reining 43th – Ariana De Jong


Langley, BC

Barrel Racing 16th – Alexis Weaver

Dash Ta Fortunes

Chatham, ON

Trail 50th – Tylar Randall Gray

OHK Pininfor Krymsun

Lake George, NS

Performance Halter Mares 15th – Claire Sophia Little

Song Of Tha South

Stilesville, NB

Performance Halter Mares 41st – Mackenzie E Landry

One Tuff Red Head

Paris, ON

Halter Mares 16th – Carly C Weagle


Belnan, NS

Halter Mares 21st – Stella Taylor

Shes A Dream Machine

Welchtown, NS

Halter Mares 35th – Jolianne Labbe

Ridge Onegood Pepper

Levis, QB

Blog Breeders Post Youth Post

Alberta Youth Wins Extreme World Champion with Canadian-Bred

Leduc youth Sophie Garrington and her horse Yall Check This Out AKA "Buddy" make their way through an obstacle at the Extreme Cowboy Association World Finals in Glen Rose, Texas.
Coach Nicole Hirsekorn and Sophie Garrington celebrate victory.

The Extreme Cowboy Association hosted their 2023 World Championships from November 1st to 5th at the Somervell Expo Center in Glen Rose, Texas.

For 1o-year-old Sophie Garrington of Leduc, Alberta and her partner Yall Check This Out aka “Buddy” it was a trip to Texas that they won’t soon forget!

Garrington and “Buddy” a 2012 Canadian-Bred bay gelding sired by Im Countin Checks out of Sweet Style by Docs Stylish Oak. were crowned the 2023


Yall Check This Out was bred by Jim Wilson of Leduc County, AB.


Blog Youth Post Uncategorized

Fresno State University Signs Saskatchewan Rider to their Equestrian Team

Hailey Olson, 17 of Maryfeild, Sask. made a number of  headlines this year with success at some of the Quarter Horse industry’s major shows!

Olson is the reining 2023  AQHA Level 1 West Champion in  the L1 Hunter Under Saddle, and also added the reserve championship title in the L1 Showmanship, and a bronze finish in the L1 Hunt Seat Equitation to her accomplishments.

As a member of  CQHA’s 2023 Team Canada for the  AQH Youth Word Cup hosted in Byron – College STation Texas June 29 to July 9th this year Olsen brought home the bronze metal  competing against a tough group of horses and international riders in the Hunter Under Saddle on Kathy Darnell Lees horse Terrific Lee Hot (MJ).

Rounding out her summer Olson competed at both the National Snaffle Bit Association World Show and the AQHYA World Championships, where she won two additional  bronze trophies in the hunter events!

This Past signing day, Hailey Olson from Maryfield Saskatchewan, joined an elite group of Canadian riders who have excelled at Fresno State, Hannah Buijs of Ontario who is a recent graduate, and Abby Goddard also from Sask. who joined the team in 2022. When asked to comment about her recent commitment to the “Bull Dogs” Olson told us “It’s an exciting experience, that I’ve been dreaming of since starting showing AQHA!”

The CQHA community  is  incredibly proud of you Hailey and all of your successes. We can’t wait to cheer you on! Go Bulldogs! 

AQHA News Blog General Post

New AQHA Award to Honour Equine-Assisted Services American Quarter Horses

AQHA PATH Intl. EAS Horse of The Year Award

to Honor the AQHA-PATH Intl. Equine-Assisted Services American Quarter Horse of the Year with one $10,000 first-place award and one $5,000 second-place award!

Who Can Enter?

  • Any current PATH Intl. Center may nominate their registered American Quarter Horse(s). There is no limit to how many registered American Quarter Horses a center may nominate.
  • The center must hold an AQHA General membership ($65) to nominate their horse(s). If the center does not currently hold an AQHA membership, one may be purchased here for $65 and it provides myriad benefits throughout the year.
  • The nominated horse must be registered with AQHA. If the center holds the horse’s papers, you’re ready to nominate now! If the center wasn’t given AQHA registration papers at the point of purchase or donation but you suspect the horse may have been registered at some time or know his registered name, in addition to requesting the papers from the previous owner or donor, here are some useful tips for tracking down a horse’s papers.

How To Enter?

PATH Intl. will collect all nominations and deliver the entries to AQHA for judging and selection.

Complete the nomination form, including the required documentation, and tell us why your worthy nominee should win $10,000! Nominations must be received prior to 11:59 PM on December 31, 2023.

Questions? Please contact: Erika Berry at AQHA.


Can a center nominate a leased horse?

Yes, however please not the following details: The PATH Intl. Center that is leasing the horse will receive the award, not the owner of the horse. While many PATH Intl. Centers have their own written lease agreements with owners, in order to qualify for the AQHA award, they must have a current lease authorization form on file with AQHA at the time the center submits its nomination. The cost for filing the lease authorization form is $100 to AQHA. Please submit questions and lease requests to

Why isn’t the nomination form anonymous as they normally are for most PATH Intl. awards?

This is an AQHA award, so the process is a little different. AQHA needs information such as the name of the center and the horse’s name to verify registration. The judges appointed by AQHA will receive redacted information, focusing on the reasons in the nomination for why the center believes its horse should win the award.

When will the winners be announced?

The AQHA-PATH Intl. Equine-Assisted Services American Quarter Horse of the Year will be honored at the AQHA Convention in Las Vegas, March 15-18, 2024.