The Canadian Bred Awards Program recognizes Canadian Bred registered Quarter Horses who excel in their disciplines at events across Canada and rewards owners and exhibitors who compete with “made-in-Canada” horses. Event hosts can apply annually to present one of these awards at their event. Winners receive a cash award of $250.00CND, a presentation cheque and a token of remembrance.
Host Requirements: Event Hosts applying to present a CQHA Canadian Bred Award at their event must submit a post report. The template for this post report will be sent to you upon approval of your event. Hosts must record the registered names of horses who qualified to be considered for the award and a copy of the winning horse’s AQHA registration certificate. Photos of the award presentation should be submitted for promotional purposes.
Eligibility: A Canadian Bred horse is determined by the address of the breeder listed on the official AQHA registration papers. The address of the breeder must be of Canadian origin. The owner and or exhibitor must provide a copy of their horse’s papers to the show management for verification. Owners and or exhibitors if current AQHA members should also provide show management with their AQHA membership number, for CQHA’s accounting records.
Award Allocation: A host may choose to present the award to the overall highest placing Canadian Bred registered Quarter Horse of a specific class or the top performing Canadian Bred registered Quarter Horse of their event.