Publishers of original, award-winning, high-calibre news and investigative journalism for Canadian horse enthusiasts, covering horse ownership, riding and training, horse and property management, and horse care. Our titles include Canadian Horse Journal, Canada’s Equine Guide,, The Hoofbeat E-Newsletter.
Horse Journals proudly serves all sectors of Canada’s horse community: the riders, drivers, coaches, trainers, breeders, farm and stable owners, and the various businesses that serve and support the horse industry. Horse Journals also offers classified ads for Horses for Sale, Trailers for Sale, equestrian business advertising, horse real estate listings and connects equine owners with relevant information about local services and events.
Canadian Horse Journal’s Autumn 2021 Issue
Check out this line-up of features…
• Competitive Mountain Trail — Looking for a new challenge? Try the sport that builds trust and helps create braver horses and riders.
• The Science of Schooling — Keys to effective training sessions, and five myths that can sidetrack schooling.
• The Mental Game — Develop the mental skills to build your confidence and make riding more fun.
• Drought Produces Hay Shortages — Low rainfall and high temperatures have impacted this year’s hay supplies, and horse owners are worried.
• The Chew Factor — What a hay analysis can tell us about chewing behaviour and expected feed intake.
• Equine Teeth: An Evolutionary Success Story — From canine teeth to Galvayne’s groove, there’s a lot going on inside the equine mouth.
• Getting Back to Better — What horse owners should know about rehabilitation and return to performance after colic surgery.
• The Burgeoning Business of Rehab — Equine rehabilitation and conditioning centres help horses return to health and achieve greater fitness.
• Rehab for the Not-Quite-Right Horse — How to develop an exercise therapy program to give your horse the best chance of recovery.
• Sport Horse Performance Injections — The most commonly used equine injection therapies to address lameness and joint disease.
• How Does Your Beauty Sleep? — How well does your horse sleep? How much sleep does he need, and why is it important?
• How Do Horses Learn? — Why it is so important for equestrians to become educated about learning theory and its practical application.
• Equine Asthma and Pollution — Research confirms that horses suffer when air pollution levels rise.
• Heart Irregularities in Thoroughbred Racehorses — Studying atrial fibrillation, the most commonly recognized heart rhythm disturbance in athletic horses.
• Painful Eye Condition Studied — A genetic variant is associated with distichiasis in Friesian horses.
• Canadian Quarter Horse Association News
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