Governance Committee: (2024 Chair: Wayne Burwash)- This Committee’s role is to focus on the by-laws and governance elements of these by-laws, making recommendations for changes to CQHA BoD.
Finance Committee: (2024 Chair: Mary Ellen Robinson) -This Committee’s role is key to the overall management of the CQHA Finances. This Committee will oversee all of the financial components of the CQHA. The work of the Committee includes the planning, budgeting, tracking and reporting of the CQHA Finances. Financial Reports will be required quarterly and for the AGM. The Committee’s duties will also include overseeing revenues that the CQHA generates through Affiliate Grant Program, the Equestrian Canada and Sponsorships programs or other revenue streams generated by CQHA programs. The Committee will prepare a budget for the CQHA, obtain approval from the CQHA Executive and BoD.
Media, Marketing and Communications Committee: (2024 Chair: Laurie Haughton) The role of the Media, Marketing & Communications Committee will be to provide strategic direction and leadership to the CQHA Media Team, Board of Directors, Committees, Membership & Alliances. This committee will work to promote the programs, activities & events presented and or supported by CQHA in partnership with AQHA, the AQHA Provincial Affiliates and CQHA’s Industry Alliance Partners through electronic communications, the website, and CQHA’s social media platforms, and other means of communications in person, in print & digitally.
The key objectives of the committee are to:
The Media, Marketing & Communications Committee sets out to meet the objectives stated above as they apply to all AQHA sanctioned events and non AQHA sanctioned events and activities.
Special Events Committee: (2024 Chair: Larry Clifford) – This Committee is responsible for preparing, planning, budgeting, and implementing the CQHA AGM and any meeting of the general membership.
Awards Committee: (2024 Chair: Holly Kress ) – This Committee is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the CQHA Awards Program. These awards are presented annually. The Committee is specifically responsible for preparing the budget and implementation plan of the CQHA AWARDS, including the communication plan work with the Media, Marketing & Communication Committee. The Committee will maximize existing CQHA communication channels, preparing the CQHA Awards program –application forms, evaluation criteria and recommending following the evaluation of the application a slate of award recipients to the CQHA Executive. The Committee will prepare the presentation and ensure communication with the recipients. They will order the Award Buckles based on the results of their evaluation. They can also propose additional awards based on the analysis performed by the committee members. Prepare a report for the activities and outcomes achieved and present at the CQHA Awards Presentation.
Shannon Burwash Memorial Scholarship Committee: (2024 Chair: Wayne Burwash) This Committee is responsible for the Administration of the Shannon Burwash Scholarship program.
Youth Committee: (2024 Chair: Gayle Pawley-Wilson) This Committee is responsible for coordinating development and the implementation of national programs which support and promote youth activity involving American Quarter Horses.
Breeders Committee: (2024 Chair: Sandy Kirtzinger) – Overall Purpose of Committee:
AQHA Youth World Cup Committee: (2024 Chair: Kathy Patterson) – This Committee is responsible for the CQHA in relating more specifically to the AQHA Youth World Cup Committee, selection of Manager and Coach for the Youth team and preparing and submitting the budget for this activity. Financial reports of the activities of the Youth World Cup and the Committee tabled at the BoD and the CQHA AGM. The Committee is an essential promoter of Youth activities and programs across Canada
Grant Committee: (2024 Chair: Gayle Pawley-Wilson) The Objectives of the Grant Committee is to provide funding to encourage the expansion of the AQHA and CQHA membership, AQHA registrations, the marketing of the American Quarter Horse, the understanding and protection of the breed integrity as well as the discovery of the American Quarter Horse’s many talents in Canada. Scope of Work:
CQHA Grant Committee will collect and submit all information (including applications, receipts, budget reports, post reports and AQHA member participant lists for each application) for reimbursement to AQHA by September 15 working with the CQHA Treasurer.
Officials & Professional Development Committee: (2024 Chair: Lyle Jackson) – The role of the Officials & Professional Development Committee will be to support Canadian horse show officials, and those who professionally train and or show Quarter Horses, and coach riders, as well those who intent to peruse opportunities and credentials to become either. This committee will work to promote the programs, activities & events presented and or supported by CQHA in partnership with AQHA, the AQHA Provincial Affiliates and CQHA’s Industry Alliance Partners through electronic communications, the website, that promote Canadian talent as show officials, trainers and coaches, offer continuing education, skill advancement, and preparations for qualifying Canadians to apply for and test for national and international credentials.
Membership Committee: (2024 Chair: Mel Burns) – The general purpose of the membership committee is to work with the CQHA board and membership to create and facilitate programs that support and benefit the Canadian Quarter Horse community. The membership committee will work with other CQHA committees to establish membership communications and programs that will assist in the expansion of CQHA’s membership.
Nomination & Credentials Committee: (2024 Chair: Wayne Burwash) – The general purpose of the Nomination Committee (the “Committee”) on behalf of the CQHA is to:
Corporate Partnership Committee: (2024 Chairs: Brad Bowie ) – This Committee is strategically vital to the financial sustainably of CQHA. The committee is responsible for identifying partners/sponsors, linking the partners to CQHA programs such as Awards and Grant program areas. It is responsible for CQHA Board members to build a cross Canada network to engage and obtain partnership / sponsorship suppor